Meditation is one of the greatest arts in life -- perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody. That is the beauty of it. It has no technique and therefore no authority. When you learn about yourself, watch yourself, watch the way you walk, how you eat, what you say, the gossip, the hate, the jealousy, if you are aware of all that in yourself, without any choice, that is part of meditation. So meditation can take place when you are sitting in a bus or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of the birds or looking at the face of your wife or child.
J. Krishnamurti - Freedom From the Known
It is an inexorable law that one cannot deny the humanity of another without diminishing one's own: in the face of one's victim one sees oneself.
James Baldwin
The shortest path which leads to the heart of who you are, takes you on a ride around the world.
Hermann de Keyserling
"...Everyone of us shares the supreme ordeal
- carries the cross of the redeemer -
not in the bright moments of his tribe's great victories,
but in the silences of his personal despair."
The sun commenced its descent behind Bald Mountain.
While feeding the birds I noticed a honey bee drowning in the bird bath.
I picked up a stick to lift it out of its predicament. I then put the stick on the grass so the bee could benefit from the heat of last sun rays.
A few minutes later shaking it wings, it took off.
A life was saved.
My brother Christian died this Thursday morning, a life was taken away.
So is Life.
Le soleil commençait sa descente derrière le mont Chauve.
En remplissant les mangeoires des oiseaux, j'ai découvert une abeille qui se noyait dans leur abreuvoir.
Ramassant une branche brisée, je soulevais l'abeille hors de son bain mortel et la posa en plein soleil afin qu'elle puisse bénéficier de la chaleur des derniers rayons.
Quelques minutes plus tard, secouant ses ailes, elle s'envolait.
Une vie était sauvée.
Mon frère Christian meurt ce Jeudi matin, une vie fût reprise.
La vie est ainsi faite.
What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is only related to objects, and not to individuals, or to life.
Michel Foucault
Wherever there is an other,
fear arises.
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A site by Jean-Claude